Thursday, October 31, 2019
Relationships and Connections of Variables Research Paper
Relationships and Connections of Variables - Research Paper Example Learner’s without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism and will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work submitted or for the entire course, and may result in academic dismissal. The literature offers a myriad of information yielded by various researches on human relationships. Concepts on a wide spectrum from physiological responses to romantic relationships, emotions that are manifested during romances, social implications or consequences of engaging in romantic relationships, and perceptions and viewpoints that are attempted to explain some phenomena related to romance have been analyzed and discussed in the paper. Studies on romance include research conducted by social scientists, which unearthed evidence of physiological responses manifested by heightened hormones in new romances of Dr. Donatella Marazitti and Helen Fisher. Rule of thumb in writing is that you do not use the same word twice in a sentence. One such study is that of adolescents who have become popular subjects/ participants in researches on conceptualization and expectations in romantic relationships... Feiring conducted interviews with adolescents with outcome results that indicated romantic partner selection in late adolescence and early adulthood is initiated due to of stimulus characteristics, such as desirable personality and physical attractiveness. In the adolescents’ reports, physical attraction to a prospective romantic partner is expressed as finding the person cute, pretty or handsome, rather than in terms of sexuality (e.g. a good kisser). As the relationship progresses, common interests and interpersonal compatibility becomes essential. (Conger, Cui, Bryant, and Elder conducted a longitudinal study that examined the effects of family influences on adolescents’ romantic behavior in their early adult life.Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Reaearch Article Analysis Essay Example for Free
Reaearch Article Analysis Essay The system of law enforcement course of action making is a perpendicular form and a parallel political dynamic. The system of law enforcement research had the knowledge and ability to apply the decision – making process within state law enforcement courses and administrative divisions can control resolutions by giving studies to meet policy maker’s needs. This document gives a schematic outlook on the system of law enforcement determination – making methods and speaks of how researchers can make his or her accomplishments pertinent within it. Purpose The system of law enforcement action adopted and pursued by government examinations aimed at the discovery and interpretation of new knowledge seeks to equip assessments and examinations of a serious offense and provides tactics for its reduction. The number in the system of law enforcement and the scientific study of crimes periodical, analysis, and a printed narrative are full of new knowledge and policy examinations. In fact, one topic has obtained reduced recognition; however, it is how the system of law enforcement action planned and administrative divisions use the system of law enforcement in programs developing and policy making. To obtain federal money each state upholds law enforcement actions by the government and plans establishments (Garrison, 2009). Government and regional police departments establish the system of judicial body, corrections, and non – profit associations obtain money through these law enforcement establishments to assist law enforcement responsi bilities. Law enforcement researchers can make his or her business more applicable to law enforcement policy makers by having knowledge of the art of science of government authority, and policy dynamics that govern how establishments function. Law enforcement principles and intentions are ethically – based entities. By this Dena means that the law enforcement principles work in an enclosed area that negotiates with confident questions of correct and incorrect what establishes fairness and prejudice as well as the attention of an individual’s obligation. In fact, the appearance of these morals explains the division of law enforcement and law enforcement policy – making establishments from other establishments for example, original or medical sciences. Dissimilar to the institutions and Dena’s conversation, law enforcement, the natural sciences does not associate the causes of human weakness (Garrison, 2009). Problem The reason for dysfunction, our, unlike hypothesis propose are inward and outward causes for example, a need of political authority and poor disorders (Garrison, 2009). Considering how these reasons are observed and defined these causes have moral meanings associated with them. Important, the law enforcement design is a subject that regular people can readily associate to and reveal views (at least in appreciation to causation) without immersion and guidance in control (Garrison, 2009). The law enforcement design transmissions on the primary surface of policy making, exercising or seeking power in the governmental or public affairs, the study of the nature and origin of ideals. Questions and answers Is the behavior of wrongdoings in a village a law enforcement matter or a public health matter? Answer – it is a law enforcement matter because law enforcement and others for example, judges, and lawyers have to decide the punishment for the criminal but the punishment for the criminal depends on what the wrong doing was. Is the answer to a wrongdoing a discipline and containment design or a medical design in which methods are the key product? Answer – in this case it would be a medical model because treatment would be the factor to the individual or individuals involved in the wrong doing. Is wrongdoing a matter of a person’s chosen conduct or is the outcome of environmental methods past the constrain or obligation of the individual? Answer – this can be both because the person chooses to conduct the wrong doing but the environmental factors for example; the individual coming from a poor neighborhood could also contribute to the individual’s action (Garrison, 2009 White, 2013). Describe the design of the study Examinations can affect the exercising or seeking power in governmental affairs, the study of the nature, and the origin of ideals concern that in turn, holds design within the law enforcement outlined establishments. To accomplish control in the resolution events the researchers must uphold both traditional esteem, and a character of presented unprejudiced examinations by policy makers (Weiss, 1976, Ross Shapiro, 1999).The theoretical probability and the absence of a political bias of the researcher are the central results to acceptability. If individuals see an analysis as too reserved or too permissive, his or her research results are not considered worthy if the decision makers do not bestow the equal political theory (Garrison, 2009). It is better for an analysis to have no political character, thus leaving his or her qualification the main representative to create opinions. The design represents how an analysis can motivate one or more important individuals of the counsel by supplying the individuals with studies that reverberates carefully with the moral and political theories to those constituents. In fact, those constituents make the whole counsel. In addition, the politics, and authority of the council will resolve if a policy conclusion will transpire and what policies, if made, researchers will transcribe to the supervisor to carry out (Garrison, 2009). The planning administrative division manages the s econd level of the planning, carries out the decisions of the goals and puts the policy into the curriculum. In fact, once the counsel informs the supervisor on the policy it is his or her responsibility to seek the details of practice commonly regarding a workers topic, and this is at the decision of the supervisor. Thus, the judgment making authority for carrying out changes are to an individual opinion maker. In addition, analysists must know what position of decision making policy or a specific responsibility or curriculum is under to decide how the analysis can be substantial. Furthermore, if an establishment needs details, evaluations, or data on policy process is in its planning notable action studies that provides transparent and operational data will have a big effect on the method (Weiss, 1976). Operational Definition From an un widely administrative system (Hall, 1989) exercising or seeking power in governmental or public affairs concern in a course of action adopted by the government there is another view to the art or science of government on decision making –political timing. The British Navy incorporated lemons in the diet of the crew members to fight a disease 263 years back after medical science demonstrated the usefulness. Although the connection separating smoking and lung cancer was made in 1950 it was not until the 1990s that a government policy was put into place to stop smoking in individuals 18 and younger (Lomas, 2000). Inductive Logic To furnish assorted control establishments and stakeholders with an examination aimed at the discovery and interoperation of new knowledge there are three processes. One a portion of the study is left out and rejects the outcome because researchers defy the outcome. Exercising or seeking power in governmental or public affairs. Two – studies center on clauses and delicate variations in information, but center on clauses and limitations not well accepted in the public policy (Ross Shapiro, 1999). Three – using the identical data conservatives makes noted facts and policy makers make a course of action adopted by the government. Ross Shapiro advises that a course of action adopted by government that studies can have exercising or seeking power in the government, and define the studies or if the examinations have worth (Ross Shapiro, 1999). Deductive Logic The success of making examinations aimed at the discovery greater, and beneficial analysis comprehend processes. There can be no individual correct opinion in government judgment making, values, and examination outcomes will never be understand or believed enough to give the conclusion in a policy dispute (Weiss, 1982). In fact, researchers who do not have the quality or power for making the last policy decision do not obtain a course of action adopted by the government. In addition, actions adopted by the government when in question about what data researchers require, researchers obtain information that is pleasant or relating to government in the researchers association (Weiss, 1982). Furthermore, actions adopted, and pursued by government makers are feeling at ease with the condition and do not alter easily. Finally, the governmental affairs use researchers to back a predetermined policy position is a worthy use of analysis because it gives individuals the general understanding f or the analysis (Weiss, 1982). Findings The significant basis that courses bring to the course of action process is a self – governing, logical method. The stakes are high and some topics are likely argued by special interest stakeholders. The data has to support credibility (Ross Shapiro, 1999). In fact, researchers should stay away from political discussion on what the researcher means for future policy making. Researchers examining analysis and outcomes based on authorities’ information, individuals should keep in mind that authorities control information is complete information. Furthermore, information can be explained lawfully in unusual ways, and the choice of possible explanations of information can come about from government actions, and have the same legitimacy (Ross Shapiro, 1999). Qualitative or Quantitative The information in this document is qualitative data because there is information and opinions on many levels. Information is part of a method that contains giving training and understanding for policy deliberations producing words for accepting dilemmas, and producing answers that happen over time (Rist, 1994). With this qualitative data consisting of values represent qualities of non-numerical categories (Bennett, Briggs, Triola, 2009). This is important because it gives information estimation, awareness of past information and analysis on what causes have been and what have not been put into place pertaining to the development (Rist, 1994). In conclusion, research is important in law enforcement policies because the information received can determine what policies have and have not been put into place, and if new policies need to be added. Researchers have to pay attention to the information collected, and have the information needed to know what can and what cannot be used. In f act, researchers give the government the last choice on rather they should use the information or not. Decisions are very important in the research area of law enforcement because the research changes therefore; researchers must have the knowledge and skills on when and when not to use specific data. References Bennett, J.O., Briggs, W.L., Triola, M.F. (2009). Statistical reasoning for everyday life (3rd ed.) .Boston, MA: Pearson/Addison Wesley (2013) Garrison, A.H. (2009). The Influence of Research on Criminal Justice Policy Making. Professional Issues in Criminal Justice, 4(1), Lomas, J. (2000, Spring). Connecting research and policy. ISUMA, (), 140-144. Rist, R. (1994). Influencing the policy process with qualitative research. Handbook on qualitative research, (), . Weiss, J. (1976). Using Social Science for Social Policy. Policy Studies Journal, 4(3), 234-238. Weiss, J. (1982). Policy research in the context of diffuse decision making. The Journal of Higher Education, 53(6), 619-639.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Questions on analysing red bulls marketing strategies
Questions on analysing red bulls marketing strategies Red Bull is a highly successful branding story. The brand came to India in 2003. Although the brand has been keeping a low profile compared to the Cola majors , Red Bull has created a category of energy drinks in the Indian market. According to Economic Times ( 30.05.08) the energy drink market in India is estimated to be around 100 crore. The market now has two main players Red Bull and Power Horse. Energy Drinks are not much popular in India or it can be said that this product is used mostly by sport persons hence a niche. So far the use of these kind of drinks has not percolated to the mass market.. The energy drink broadly comes under the category of functional drinks which is a bigger market estimated to be around Rs 543 crores. Q1. Argue for the most relevant segment criteria to be used in the international market selection process? Red bull has consistently worked on growing international sales. Red bull has a well developed network of local subsidiaries set up in key markets to oversee distribution in any given region. Instead of targeting largest distributors with greatest reach, red bull targets small distributors who often become exclusively red bull distributors. Small independent venues are also the first targets. Red Bull does not use traditional market the local subsidiaries are responsible for local marketing content such as oral marketing, bill boards and radio. Q2.Which changes would you suggest for red bulls future global marketing mix in order to make future challenges? Have an ability to gain new customers and retain current customer loyalty: With Red Bulls target market currently aimed at the Generation Ys (15 30 year olds) there is the question of whether this generation will continue to drink Red Bull as they grow older. And will the next upcoming generation accept this product as their own. They should segment the market in two difeernt ways, one relating to the youth. Second to the older generation Have Health and Social Implications: Due to growing pressure on organisations in society, Red Bull now promotes their product with current societal and health issues in mind. Childhood obesity and type 2-onset diabetes has become a major issue across western developed nations. By introducing sugar free Red Bull will open up a new opportunity to the health conscious and diabetics. Managing this issue will be a constant process and Red Bull must be seen to be adjusting their product to suit society. By not having only one product: One particular issue Red Bull has to consider is their limited product range. Unlike their major competitors such as Coca Cola and Pepsi, who have various different products in different beverage classes (water, soft drinks, electrolytes) Red Bull does not. Only having one product can be a positive however, for example Red Bull can concentrate 100% effort on their product while not being distracted by other influences, however the downside is that should the market share of that product decrease in the future, Red Bull has no back up product to cover the loss. Q3.How will you categorize red bulls oral global marketing strategy? Red Bull globally is known for buzz marketing. It is a brand which has built its equity through careful below the line marketing. During the initial launch time, Red Bull used to invest heavily in buzz marketing . Some of the famous marketing strategy adopted by Red Bull is given below : Student Brand Managers : The brand tried to reach the trend setters and opinion leaders by appointing ( informal agreement ) student brand managers across campuses. These members were given free Red Bull cans and was encouraged to organize parties for other youngsters. Identify Hot Spots : The brand identified hot spots where the majority of consumers /opinion leaders gather. This could be a bar or a party area. Once these hotspots are identified, the brand campaigns in that spot. Red Bull has the famous slogan Red Bull gives you wiings . The ads are revolving round this theme of the brand giving a high. One fact is that Red Bull need not do much of a product advertisements because the brand was confident that once the customer tries the product, he will start understanding the benefits of this product. Q4.Red bulls is available in large cities in India across supermarkets, restaurants and bars. Evaluate for opportunities for market expansion in India? In India which is a market which is characterized by heavy duty advertisements, high profile celebrity endorsements and mouth watering sales promotions, Red Bull has managed to take the different route. Since the launch the brand has managed to dominate the Indian market with more than 60 % market share . The popularity of Red Bull has prompted many cola majors to launch their energy drinks brand in India. There are news reports of Coca Cola and Pepsi bringing their global brands in this category into the Indian market. Despite the success of Red Bull and Power Horse, there are stumbling blocks in the development of this category . The main issue is regarding the perception of consumers towards this category. Energy drinks are usually viewed this type of drinks with suspicion. Frankly speaking they have an attached perception that this energy drinks are associated with alcohol ( it was a perception). I was surprised to find that these products are targeted towards youth.And these products are more found in pubs and bars which further reinforced the perception that these drinks have parity with products like beer.India, the culture is different. The consumption of these beverages are not considered a part of social living. There are restrictions in consumption and availability of these beverages. Red Bull is marketed heavily through pubs and bars across the western markets. But in India , Red Bull should keep away from associating itself with these kind of beverages. Because such an association will repel many customers especially ladies. Having said that, this category also offers excellent growth potential also provided the brand rationalizes the price. The price of energy drinks vary between Rs70-95 per can which can restrict the frequency of purchase of this product.Â
Friday, October 25, 2019
Optometric World: Smart People, Smart Phones, Smart Contacts? Essay
Throughout the years movies have implemented technology that has never been seen before to create a futuristic setting. Throughout the Terminator movies, viewers see data overlaid the main character’s world through contact lenses. At the time when Terminator was released, this was not possible through contemporary technology, but now scientists at the University of Washington are on the way to getting the perfect smart contacts. Eyes are truly an extension of the brain and receive the information which the brain sees and integrates. When any form of contact lenses is placed on the eye the brain is capable of receiving information with clarity, while the contact lenses provide benefits to the eyeball. With the smart contacts that are in the process, scientists consider the potential benefits and drawbacks while trying to keep optometry connected to the technology world. In the optometric world, eyes are the receiver of information your brain is what integrates it and chooses what is pertinent to an individual. Each eye sees everything all the time, the brain chooses to ignore information; for example, eyes always see your nose but your brain never chooses to register that information because the nose always remains in the same location. All vision is based on the light and how it is reflected off an object and into the eye. Light enters the cornea which bends or refracts it to enter the pupil (see Figure 1 in Appendix A). The iris is like a camera lens and it determines how much light enters the eye thus making he pupil bigger or smaller ( After light goes through the pupil, it passes through the lens, which will bend and refract the light further to â€Å"focus [the rays] on the retina at the back of the eye†(AOA.o... ....p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. . "How Contact Lenses Work." CooperVision. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. . "How Your Eyes Work." How Your Eyes Work. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. . "The Human Eye: A Diagram." - FamilyConnect: For Parents of Children Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. . â€Å"Self-Assembled Single-Crystal Silicon Circuits on Plastic,†by Sean A. Stauth and Babak A. Parviz, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 19 September 2006. Web. 05 April 2014. .
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Healthy and Safety Within the Setting Essay
You have a new member of staff starting and you are responsible for giving them all the information on health and safety requirements in your setting they need to be aware of. Prepare a document/presentation to give to them, which should include the following information: * A brief explanation of the relevant health and safety legislation * How you plan and maintain a healthy and safe environment * What factors do you consider when planning the environment to ensure safety for all. Health and safety legislation. Within the early years setting, we have a duty of care. This means looking after the children and keeping them safe when they are in our care. The health and safety at work act 1974 covers all employment settings within great Britain. The requirements within the act are that:- Buildings should be well kept and with the safety of who ever will be accessing it in mind. The environment as a whole should be kept safe and clean. All equipment should be stored in a safe place. The way in which the staff work should promote the safety of children. Health and safety within the setting. The will be policies and procedures covering health and safety within our setting. As en employee you should be aware of all of the health and safety requirements. The setting should be safe for everyone and not pose risk of danger or injury. A system of safe practice should be in place. Any chemicals or substances should be stored safely and out of the way of the children. All staff should be given the appropriate training and information on the health and safety of the setting and safety regulations. If any rotective clothing is needed then it should be provided free of charge. If and serious injuries or diseases were to happen then they should be reported to the health and safety executive. There should be first aid equipment provided. A representative of safety should be consulted about any issues affecting the work place. All employees should look after their own health and safety and the of the others around them, where their actions could affect others. The employees should cooperate with their employer on health and safety to ensure they keep a safe working environment. Within our setting. Within our setting we have daily checks covering all areas of the building. These are to be done at the beginning and end of each day. We have risk assessments as well which we use to prevent hazards. We keep all hazardous chemicals in the cupboard in the kitchen with a lock on the door. Also the children are not aloud into the kitchen. There is a gate with a lock on to stop them getting through. We have child friendly scissors which are only used under adult supervision. The cutlery that we provide the children with is plastic and so are their plates, bowls and cups. All the taps on the sinks that the children have access to have a block on them. This prevents them from getting to hot so the children cannot get burned. We have socket covers on all plug sockets. We do all the cleaning once the children have left the setting to prevent slips and trips. We have a lock on the front gate and back gate. This is so the children can not get out, but also so that nobody can get in without being let in. ll the radiators have covers on so the children cannot burn themselves on them. Any free standing unit’s the we have, have got locks on the wheels so they cant be moved or run over a child’s foot. We have things on all of the doors to prevent children shutting their finger in them. We make sure we think about all the risks within our setting and we address the problem to prevent an accidents happening. We have policies and procedures in place cove ring all factors of the setting, ensuring we make it as safe an environment for the children and employees as possible.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Logistics Pharmaceutical Challenges in South Africa
Logistics challenges facing pharmaceutical industries in South Africa Introduction South Africa is the most developed country in Africa and reflected from it being selected to host the 2010 soccer world cup it has resulted in an economic boost for the country. The largest service providers in South Africa are listed: * DHL * Schenker * K? hne & Nagel * Expeditor * Hellmann Safcor Panalpina * Micor * Megafreight * R? hlig Grindrod Trade challenges South Africa exports their goods mostly to Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Japan and the Unites states of America, and the imports list of South Africa is largely Germany as the top importing nation of South Africa then following is China, United States of America, Japan and Saudi Arabia.Transport infrastructure in African countries including South Africa is in poor conditions which causes ships in the harbours – which have insufficient infrastructure – to have to wait for a number f days before they can unload their goods . International nations who manufacture pharmaceutical goods for South Africa endure difficulties as they reach their capacity limits wasting a lot of time and slowing the supply chain.There are various challenges in South Africa and highlighted are challenges such as desert regions in the country, the high mountain ranges and rain forests in South Africa serve as challenges in the logistics supply and value chain of the country Pharmaceutical industries in perspective of complex networks in terms of manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, dispensers and distributors are rated as relatively well-developed and sufficient change has taken place from the challenges faced by the country. Challenges in the logistics perspectiveImporting goods into South Africa is made challenging because of the poor conditions the roads are that travelling is done on and another challenge is the South African ports and suppliers in terms of the distances between the two in various destinations northerly making it difficult to both drivers and transport equipment to reach their destination timely and effectively. Low standard facilities is what many of the countries border posts have and services offered are not done efficiently by officials because they do not possess the necessary skills required.With perspective of logistics fees the challenge of eliminating perversities in the calculation of logistics fees and according to PIASA the logistics fee issue remains unresolved as well as the dispensing fee on medicine. The low level/shortage of human resources is an additional concern within the pharmaceutical industry, Changes in the ordering patterns causes delivery windows to shorten. â€Å"Express logistics has always been indispensible in eliminating waste of time, money and products in the chain. †(M, Latif. Finished products and distribution manager – BE-Tabs) Therefore pharmaceutical companies need special handling and general cargo being segregated. Another challenge faced by the logistics perspective of the pharmaceutical industry is the uncertainty about the economy’s future pricing regulations which causes wholesalers to hold stock being increasingly reluctant, opting for less valued choices as well as for more frequent shipments, and in order to maintain efficiency and gather up resources to facilitate the peak of credit terms being extended means both manufacturer and service provider have to work closely together.In most pharmaceutical companies such as BE-Tabs the supply chain is kept functional to cater and meet the availability of final goods and affordability of those goods to meet expectations of the government and end-users. According to the pharmaceutical industry’s logistics it is a challenge to be overcome at all times to keep the cold chain intact for the many sensitive products in the supply chain, and just as important to maintain a viable and accurate information chain within the supply chain. Logistics Pharmaceutical Challenges in South Africa Logistics challenges facing pharmaceutical industries in South Africa Introduction South Africa is the most developed country in Africa and reflected from it being selected to host the 2010 soccer world cup it has resulted in an economic boost for the country. The largest service providers in South Africa are listed: * DHL * Schenker * K? hne & Nagel * Expeditor * Hellmann Safcor Panalpina * Micor * Megafreight * R? hlig Grindrod Trade challenges South Africa exports their goods mostly to Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Japan and the Unites states of America, and the imports list of South Africa is largely Germany as the top importing nation of South Africa then following is China, United States of America, Japan and Saudi Arabia.Transport infrastructure in African countries including South Africa is in poor conditions which causes ships in the harbours – which have insufficient infrastructure – to have to wait for a number f days before they can unload their goods . International nations who manufacture pharmaceutical goods for South Africa endure difficulties as they reach their capacity limits wasting a lot of time and slowing the supply chain.There are various challenges in South Africa and highlighted are challenges such as desert regions in the country, the high mountain ranges and rain forests in South Africa serve as challenges in the logistics supply and value chain of the country Pharmaceutical industries in perspective of complex networks in terms of manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, dispensers and distributors are rated as relatively well-developed and sufficient change has taken place from the challenges faced by the country. Challenges in the logistics perspectiveImporting goods into South Africa is made challenging because of the poor conditions the roads are that travelling is done on and another challenge is the South African ports and suppliers in terms of the distances between the two in various destinations northerly making it difficult to both drivers and transport equipment to reach their destination timely and effectively. Low standard facilities is what many of the countries border posts have and services offered are not done efficiently by officials because they do not possess the necessary skills required.With perspective of logistics fees the challenge of eliminating perversities in the calculation of logistics fees and according to PIASA the logistics fee issue remains unresolved as well as the dispensing fee on medicine. The low level/shortage of human resources is an additional concern within the pharmaceutical industry, Changes in the ordering patterns causes delivery windows to shorten. â€Å"Express logistics has always been indispensible in eliminating waste of time, money and products in the chain. †(M, Latif. Finished products and distribution manager – BE-Tabs) Therefore pharmaceutical companies need special handling and general cargo being segregated. Another challenge faced by the logistics perspective of the pharmaceutical industry is the uncertainty about the economy’s future pricing regulations which causes wholesalers to hold stock being increasingly reluctant, opting for less valued choices as well as for more frequent shipments, and in order to maintain efficiency and gather up resources to facilitate the peak of credit terms being extended means both manufacturer and service provider have to work closely together.In most pharmaceutical companies such as BE-Tabs the supply chain is kept functional to cater and meet the availability of final goods and affordability of those goods to meet expectations of the government and end-users. According to the pharmaceutical industry’s logistics it is a challenge to be overcome at all times to keep the cold chain intact for the many sensitive products in the supply chain, and just as important to maintain a viable and accurate information chain within the supply chain.
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