Monday, August 24, 2020
Course of GDL programme (Land law ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Course of GDL program (Land law ) - Essay Example The principal necessity that is assumed not to be observed is of s.2 Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989, which expresses that an agreement for demeanor of land must be recorded as a hard copy and ought to be marked by each gathering to the agreement. Anyway from the reality it is seen that there has been conveyancing of property, along these lines it very well may be said that the enlistment of Brain as the new proprietor has occurred. In enrolled land, the key rights intrigue and title are represented by the register which comprises of three sections, that is the property register, the ownership register and the charges register. The property register shows the kind of domain held by the proprietor and further gives realities of the property. The ownership register then again gives the name of the enrolled owner and proceeds to express any limitations or confinements which have been set on the owner to manage the land. At long last, the pursues register lays outsider rights which exist on the home. Under the LRA 1925 the encumbrances that exist are grouped into two classes, that is abrogating interests, which tie the buyer regardless of whether not referenced on the register, and minor interests, which will be void against the buyer except if the interests are secured through a passage on the register. The abrogating interest that can be depended upon by Wanda is s.70 (1) (g) LRA 1925. Under the LRA 2002 it has been expressed that an individual's privilege of real occupation will be translated as a superseding enthusiasm under the LRA 2002. This area comprises of, 'The privileges of each individual in real control of the land or in receipt of the lease and benefits thereof, spare where enquiry is made of such individual and the rights are not unveiled'. It has been said that an individual who doesn't have any legitimate or evenhanded right in land can get no advantage from s.70 (1) (g), nor can an individual who not in genuine occupation. (Strand Securities Ltd v. Caswell1). In Williams and Glynn's Bank Ltd v. Boland2 it was expressed that 'it is the reality of occupation that issues' and 'physical nearness on the land and not some qualification in the law' is required. Further it has been expressed that the buyer will be limited by all the abrogating intrigues that exist at the hour of the date of enlistment. (Convent National Building Society v. Cann)3 The courts have managed the issue of what occurs if an occupier of the lan is missing for a brief period in Chhokar v. Chhokar4, where a spouse so as to strip his significant other from guaranteeing a fair enthusiasm for the marital home, continued and finished an offer of property to his partner, while his better half was in the emergency clinic. He at that point got away with what he got from the returns. At long last when the spouse returned she was declined her advantage due to not being truly present on the land, at the hour of enlistment. The Court of Appeal assessed the way that her furniture had been there at the house, in this manner it was held that she was in occupation thus the buyer was limited by the superseding interest. This case would appear to have settled the issue, anyway there is a difficult which has been supposed to be in presence, that is the courts didn't make any reference at all, of the LRA 1925, hence it
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategic Information Provision and Experiential †Free Samples
Question: Examine about the Strategic Information Provision and Experiential. Answer: Presentation: An effective pioneer is a person who has the ability of acknowledging Management and using the maximum capacity of his representatives and himself towards the satisfaction of the authoritative objectives. According to the meaning of Joseph Roost, Leadership is an impact relationship among pioneers and devotees who expect genuine changes and results that mirror their common reason (Puccio, Mance Murdock, 2010). In this way, it very well may be said that a decent pioneer ought to acquire or obtain qualities or aptitudes that help him in inspiring his colleagues and taking out the best execution from them with the goal that the group and the hierarchical objectives are accomplished. Stephen Tindal, the organizer of the enormously effective departmental store The Warehouse is one of the most rumored and fruitful pioneer of New Zealand. Stephen Tindal is considered as a transformers head because of his ingenuity of changing individuals into opportune people who have the correct demeanor to work and accomplish objectives. He can prepare individuals according to the prerequisites of the undertaking with the goal that they can perform productively (Bass, 2013). He knows about the way that great execution is connected with remuneration and thus, rouses the representatives to play out their best so they can get their due of remunerations in like manner. Being a transformational pioneer, he can choose the ideal people who might have the option to execute the errands better. This attribute of Stephen Tindal has helped him to get one of the effective pioneers of his nation since he prepared his workers to manage the clients such that his organization can hold the clients and increment the hierarchical benefits. According to the Trait Theory of Leadership, it very well may be concluded that Stephen Tindal has the sympathy, confidence and affability in him that his representatives tail him and work according to his direction (Colbert et al.2012). The Traits Theory shows the attributes or the aptitudes that a pioneer inherently has in him or secures over some undefined time frame. It incorporates the qualities and the aptitudes that a pioneer ought to have in him. Stephen Tindal didn't simply think about the presentation of his organization and the money related advantage got, but on the other hand is worried about dispatching and satisfying his corporate obligation towards the general public. He as a pioneer is worried about his association and his workers and furthermore about the general public everywhere (Mumford et al. 2015). He has found a way to improve the general public by starting network based administrations and helping the legislature and other nongovernmental associations in making work, spreading training and advancing the possibility of economical turn of events and a cleaner situation. Another business head who has changed the business field of the business is Rob Fyfe, the Chief Executive Officer of Air New Zealand. After Fyfe was selected as the CEO of Air New Zealand, the aircraft organization saw an extensive development in their business execution. Fyfe made his organization the spearheading organization in the carrier business which enlisted the most extreme measure of benefits contrasted with its rivals. Fyfe consistently thought about the benefits which the organization yields and the ascertainment of consistent development. He is effective with overseeing te partners enthusiasm as he guarantees that the partners of Air New Zealand get the most extreme profits for his venture (Smith et al. 2012). Fyfes initiative style can be portrayed by utilizing the Behavioral Theories of Leadership since his administration changed with the circumstance (Mumford et al. 2010). The most piece of his initiative styles is overwhelmed by the majority rule style of administrat ion as he energizes the perspectives and contemplations of his workers. With regards to law based administration style, Tindals authority style can likewise be characterizes under this class since he additionally energizes the inclusion of his workers in the dynamic procedure of the organization and spurs them to contribute their contemplations and thoughts for the development and advancement of the association. A pioneer ought to have unmistakable characteristics in him which makes him unique in relation to his workers Management. An effective pioneer is relied upon to have the nature of spurring his representatives or his colleagues to or all the more productively with the goal that they can accomplish authoritative and individual objectives. In the conversation of the effective pioneers of New Zealand, the reference of Graeme Hart must be named who is as of now positioning the graphs of the main ten fruitful pioneers of New Zealand. Graeme Hart is a careful expert who keeps up a good ways from the media and avoids the spotlight (Nelson, Zaccaro Herman, 2010). He has been cited a multiple occasions saying that the riches earned by him is a side-effect of his work and constancy. He being an expert himself, energizes polished skill in his representatives and furthermore anticipates moral and conduct and practices from them. Hart is a supporter of morals and ethics in his business exercises, empowers his workers and subordinates to utilize a similar code of morals while they are playing out their employments. As a pioneer, he empowers the polished skill, practice of a specific implicit rules and good conduct which has helped him to take off statures in his expert profession. He likewise has wellbeing and security arrangements for his workers in his business associations that shield the interests of his staff from being abused. His association effectively participates in the satisfying the corporate social duty so they can assist the general public with improving and make it supportable. From the above conversation, it tends to be comprehended that a decent pioneer ought to have the attributes and the aptitudes to inspire his colleagues and lead them in the way of achievement. The initiative speculations help in characterizing the administration style of the pioneer or the chief yet every pioneer has an unmistakable quality that makes hello there not the same as the others (De Meuse, Dai Wu, 2011). An individual is either or with the characteristics of compassion, great relational aptitudes, uplifting mentality or inspirational abilities or he obtains these aptitudes with a section of time and experience. Each pioneer ought to have the craving in them to support the representatives and the general public to get effective and furthermore help the partners of the organization to expand their arrival. In any case, the most significant attribute that a pioneer should forces is polished skill and morals in his business exercises. Reference List Puccio, G. J., Mance, M., Murdock, M. C. (2010).Creative initiative: Skills that drive change. Sage Publications. Bass, B. M. (2013). From value-based to transformational initiative: Learning to share the vision.Organizational dynamics,18(3), 19-31. Colbert, A. E., Judge, T. A., Choi, D., Wang, G. (2012). Evaluating the characteristic hypothesis of initiative utilizing self and eyewitness appraisals of character: The interceding job of commitments to bunch success.The Leadership Quarterly,23(4), 670-685. De Meuse, K. P., Dai, G., Wu, J. (2011). Initiative abilities across hierarchical levels: A closer examination.The Psychologist-Manager Journal,14(2), 120-139. Mumford, M. D., Zaccaro, S. J., Harding, F. D., Jacobs, T. O., Fleishman, E. A. (2015). Administration aptitudes for an evolving world: Solving complex social problems.The Leadership Quarterly,11(1), 11-35. Mumford, T. V., Campion, M. A., Morgeson, F. P. (2010). The administration aptitudes strataplex: Leadership expertise prerequisites across hierarchical levels.The Leadership Quarterly,18(2), 154-166. Nelson, J. K., Zaccaro, S. J., Herman, J. L. (2010). Key data arrangement and experiential assortment as devices for creating versatile administration skills.Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research,62(2), 131. Smith, W. K., Besharov, M. L., Wessels, A. K., Chertok, M. (2012). An incomprehensible administration model for social business visionaries: Challenges, initiative abilities, and academic apparatuses for overseeing social and business demands.Academy of Management Learning Education,11(3), 463-478.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Get Started on Your College Applications Over Labor Day 2016
Get Started on Your College Applications Over Labor Day 2016 Get Started on Your College Applications Over Labor Day 2016 Get Started on Your College Applications Over Labor Day 2016 The sun is setting on your summer and senior year is about to begin. Labor Day 2016 is your last chance for one last hurrah. Your memories of summer camp, summer jobs, and summer travel already feel like distant memories as you make your plans for one last trip to the beach. But before your memories fade entirely, set aside some time this Labor Day to get a jump on your personal statement. Don’t worry. It’s as easy as a Netflix binge watch. (And yes, we know you were secretly planning on spending some quality time with the ‘Flix over the long weekend, too.) In 10 entertaining episodes, College Essay Academy will: Walk you step-by-step through the college essay writing process Break down the 2016-17 Common App prompts Prep you for all the supplemental essays you will have to write Share some stellar examples of real, successful college essays Give you the skinny on the brand new Coalition Application in a special bonus episode And it’s still shorter than season 2 of Kimmy Schmidt. We know. We can’t believe it either. Start your binge today. Get 25% off your purchase of any package with code FLIX16. Buy Now About Thea HogarthView all posts by Thea Hogarth »
Friday, May 22, 2020
Jon Krakauer Is A Popular American Author - 1393 Words
Jon Krakauer is a popular American author. Most of his work covers the ventures of outdoor. The harsh conditions of life, faced by the heroic figures of different times. His widely read and distributed books include Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman, Under the Banner of Heaven, Into Thin Air and Into the Wild. After winning the title of bestseller for his earlier account of heroic lives, Jon Krakauer again attempted to write a biography of an outstanding and exceptionally patriotic personality. Pat Tillman was a professional footballer before he joined US Army. He joined the army after the 9/11 attack and gave up his career for the defending his country. Pat Tillman was an iconic figure. A few months after the 9/11 attacks he gave up on his passion for football, in order to devote his life for the safety and security of his motherland. It is mentioned that he was offered a contract of above three million dollars for his game, but he walked away from it and joined the Army Rangers. He felt it was his duty and as an eligible citizen of the US, he is supposed to pay back to his land in the best possible way. He set out to participate in the war against terrorism agencies of Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Unfortunately, he died within the next two years in Afghanistan. The most disappointing thing that made the story interesting was that his death was a result of a friendly fire and not the fight with opponents. In order to save their reputation, the army decided not toShow MoreRelatedJon Krakauer s Thin The Line Between Investigative Journalism And Gripping And Tense Non Fiction1165 Words  | 5 PagesJon Krakauer’s books expertly toe the line between investigative journalism and gripping and tense non-fiction. In Missoula, he tackles the rape epidemic on college campuses and its complicated relationship with the criminal justice system. In Into Thin Air, he delves into his own experience as a mountain climber who witnessed the Mt. Everest Disaste r first hand. In both publications, Krakauer strives to uncover a dark truth about a familiar institution. Although there is certainly variation in theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer1686 Words  | 7 PagesRebellions can have both a negative and positive outcome not matter what the cause. In the book â€Å"Into the Wild†, written by Jon Krakauer, the character Chris McCandless embarks on a journey of ultimate freedom and exemption. Washington and McCandless are similar because they did something most people would not. They both stepped out of the ordinary society and decided to do what they think is best. For example, Washington led the Continental Army against the great British Empire, and Chris left hisRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesISBN-10: 0-07-340334-2 (alk. paper) 1. Project management. 2. Time management. 3. Risk management. I. Gray, Clifford F. II. Gray, Clifford F. Project management. III. Title. HD69.P75G72 2011 658.4904â€â€dc22 2009054318 About the Authors Erik W. Larson ERIK W. LARSON is professor of project management at the College of Business, Oregon State University. He teaches executive, graduate, and undergraduate courses on project management, organizational behavior, and leadership. His research
Thursday, May 7, 2020
How Social Movements Important For A Democracy Like New...
3. Why are interest groups or social movements important for a democracy like New Zealand? Illustrate your answer. A social movement is, broadly, a mobilisation of people around an issue which challenges the political authority. Tilly describes a social movement as a â€Å"sustained challenge to powerholders in the name of a population [†¦] by means of repeated public displays†(Tilly, 1993, p 7, emphasis original). It is a space outside formal, institutionalised politics which â€Å"allows political energies to flow†(Norris, 2002). This alternative space can provide a platform for the voices of those who are disenfranchised and excluded from political institutions. The purpose of this essay is to examine the role of social movements in negating some of New Zealand’s most prominent democratic downfalls: youth disengagement and neoliberal consensus. These two issues are intimately intertwined (Edwards, 2009). Beginning with Labour’s unprecedented economic reforms in the mid 1980’s, New Zealand settled into an â€Å"unspoken neoliberal consensus†(Hacknell, 2013, p135). National and Labour now both legislate according to free market principles. Democracy and political participation is crippled by a neoliberal hegemony (Alakavuklar Dickson, 2016). Not only does the dominance of its ideology severely restrict the scope and development of policy, the economic system exacerbates inequalities (in education, wealth, and so on) which lead to barriers in political participation (Edwards, 2009;Show MoreRelatedHow Did The Nazis Gain Control Of Germany?1511 Words  | 7 PagesHitler Youth How did the Nazis gain control of Germany? Firstly, the Nazi’s used Germany’s defeat during the First World War (which began in the summer of 1914 and ended in November 1918) to their advantage. WWI claimed many lives and of course changed the lives of those in Germany forever. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Land Reclamation Free Essays
Notable examples in the West include large parts of the Netherlands, parts of New Orleans(which is partially built on land that was once swamp); much of San Francisco’s waterfront has been reclaimed from the San Francisco Bay; Mexico City(which is situated at the former site of Lake Texcoco); Helsinki (of which the major part of the city center is built on reclaimed land); the Cape Townforeshore; the Chicago shoreline; the Manila Bay shoreline; Back Bay, Boston, Massachusetts; Battery Park City, Manhattan; Liberty State Park, Jersey City; the port of Zeebrugge in Belgium; the southwestern residential area in Brest, Belarus, the polders of the Netherlands; and the Toronto Islands, Leslie Street Spit, and the waterfront in Toronto. In the Far East, Japan, the southern Chinese cities of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Macau, the Philippine capitalManila, and the city-state of Singapore, where land is in short supply, are also famous for their efforts on land reclamation. One of the earliest and famous project was the Praya Reclamation Scheme, which added 50 to 60 acres (240,000 m2) of land in 1890 during the second phase of construction. We will write a custom essay sample on Land Reclamation or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was one of the most ambitious projects ever taken during the Colonial Hong Kong era. 1] Some 20% of land in the Tokyo Bay area has been reclaimed. Monaco and the British territory of Gibraltar are also expanding due to land reclamation. The city of Rio de Janeiro was largely built on reclaimed land. Artificial islands are an example of land reclamation. Creating an artificial island is an expensive and risky undertaking. It is often considered in places that are densely populated and flat land is scarce. Kansai International Airport (in Osaka) and Hong Kong International Airport are examples where this process was deemed necessary. The Palm Islands, The World and hotel Burj al-Arab offDubai in the United Arab Emirates are other examples of artificial islands. How to cite Land Reclamation, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The horror film Scream Essay Example
The horror film Scream Essay The horror film Scream was released in 1997, the director a Mr Wes Craven was trying to aim the film at young teenagers. Although the film has blood and guts it also has psychological side to it because in quite a bit of the film when the viewer is watching it the killer will say something like do you like scary movies? this indicates that the movie is scary and that this is the killer speaking. In the film, the killer plays with you mind by speaking to the victim on the phone to find out information about her by flirting with her then the victim feels overwhelmed and starts to tell the unknown killer thing about her then the killer will use that information on her to scare her then he knows that he is in control. Usually the telephone is used to call for help or in an emergency but in this situation the phone is used to scare the victim and also to get into the victims mind. We will write a custom essay sample on The horror film Scream specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The horror film Scream specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The horror film Scream specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer You can see that the film is aimed at teenagers because most of the characters are young teenagers so this should tell you quite a lot of information about the age group the film is aimed at. This movie is a typical teen horror movie you can see this because the killer always plays ends up killing a character that is not such a big part the main victim never ever gets killed. After watching and listening to the opening title screen this gets the viewer in the mood for the movie. The movie is quite scary in parts this is where the director tries to keep you on the edge of your seat also he uses the phone to build up the tension because when the victim is getting chased the viewer will be shouting for the victim to run because we have got to know her and we like her. As you watch the film you can start to see that Casey has a very loving relationship with her parents you can see that they trust her because they left her in the house on her own with shows that they trust her. Also they must love her very much because when they walk in the house and see all the smoke they dont say what has happened the very first thing they do is shout for Casey and start searching for her and when they cannot find her they phone the police. When her mother picks up the phone to ring the police she can hear her daughter at the other end getting killed the only thing they can do is listen and shout to her because it must be horrible to listen to your daughter being killed so they cannot listen to this but also they cannot put the phone down because they will feel guilty. Caseys parents are helpless because they cannot help her at all. The opening title to the film is very well suited to the film. At the beginning of the title the word scream flashes white and red then changes into blue and at the end of they explode. The opening titles make the watcher think of blood and horror, which is the main feature for a movie of this nature. The house that Casey lives in is very clean and the colours in the house are very light and bright the colours are a contrast of white and cream. When the killer begins to take over Casey and starts to threaten her the house becomes darker and spooky as if the killer is in her mind. After this you begin to see that she is in the middle of nowhere and how big the house actually is. This is the perfect setting for a murder because it is in the middle of nowhere. I think that Wes Craven chose to have Casey killed in her own home to show that even you are not safe in your own home. At the beginning of the film, when the killer is on the phone he is very polite and charming then after a while he begins to speak in a deeper voice then eventually he cracks and shouts at her he says no listen you little bitch speak to me again and Ill gut you like a fish. The fist time we see the killer is in the hall as he dashes past but he is just a blur. He is not dressed normally he has a white ghost mask on he is holding a knife he has boots on and a long hooded cloak with black pants. Although the fist time we see him in a close up is at the window when Casey is outside and she peers through the window sees the killers face with a mask on then he smashes through the window and grabs Casey. When we see the killer on screen he does not speak because if he does then the victim might know who the killer is and he might get caught. Also the lighting in the film is very suited to the film as in the beggining the film is very light beacuse this implies happines and this is because the victim is happy. Casey does not know that she is goning to die and the fact that she is getting ready to watch a movie, as the killer rings casey and as he starts to get into her mind the house then becomes much darker.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Free Essays on Pioneers Of Western Civilization
Western civilization has many different pioneers that helped form the culture to what it is today. Many different civilizations such as hunters and gathers, ancient Egyptians, and Sumerians contributed to western civilization. Without these different civilizations contributing, society would not be where it is today. These civilizations of man contributed agricultural techniques, laws with authority, tools, writing, mathematics and religion. The first civilizations were hunters and gatherers who wandered the lands in desperate need of food and materials. Eventually mankind would develop methods of cultivating food, so they would not have to wander around nomadic. The first civilization to develop agricultural techniques was the Neolithic societies. By shifting to agriculture coincided with advances in stone tool technology, brought the development of greater precision. Once domestications had taken place, people could move to areas where these plants and animals did not occur naturally. The invention of pottery also enabled people to store surplus foods and liquids, and to transport them, as well as to cook agricultural products were difficult to eat. Also crops required constant care from planting to harvest, so Neolithic farmers built permanent dwellings. The farmers also built small two-man circular huts and clustered in groups around a central storage place. Later people built square and rectangular family sized hous e with individual storage places and enclosures to house livestock. Neolithic villages tended to be self-sufficient. The Ancient Egyptians brought in a culture that was unique from many others of that particular time. When people think of the Egyptian, they think of the pyramids, the sphinx, and the pharaohs. Many people do not realize the contributions the ancient Egyptians made to western civilization. They contributed through the laws and regulations, which maintained society. The Egyptian people believed that their... Free Essays on Pioneers Of Western Civilization Free Essays on Pioneers Of Western Civilization Western civilization has many different pioneers that helped form the culture to what it is today. Many different civilizations such as hunters and gathers, ancient Egyptians, and Sumerians contributed to western civilization. Without these different civilizations contributing, society would not be where it is today. These civilizations of man contributed agricultural techniques, laws with authority, tools, writing, mathematics and religion. The first civilizations were hunters and gatherers who wandered the lands in desperate need of food and materials. Eventually mankind would develop methods of cultivating food, so they would not have to wander around nomadic. The first civilization to develop agricultural techniques was the Neolithic societies. By shifting to agriculture coincided with advances in stone tool technology, brought the development of greater precision. Once domestications had taken place, people could move to areas where these plants and animals did not occur naturally. The invention of pottery also enabled people to store surplus foods and liquids, and to transport them, as well as to cook agricultural products were difficult to eat. Also crops required constant care from planting to harvest, so Neolithic farmers built permanent dwellings. The farmers also built small two-man circular huts and clustered in groups around a central storage place. Later people built square and rectangular family sized hous e with individual storage places and enclosures to house livestock. Neolithic villages tended to be self-sufficient. The Ancient Egyptians brought in a culture that was unique from many others of that particular time. When people think of the Egyptian, they think of the pyramids, the sphinx, and the pharaohs. Many people do not realize the contributions the ancient Egyptians made to western civilization. They contributed through the laws and regulations, which maintained society. The Egyptian people believed that their...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
25 Love Sayings and Quotations
25 Love Sayings and Quotations Love makes us do things we never thought we were capable of. Some love sayings inspire us to believe in love. Others give us the courage to tide through the tough times. Here is a compilation of love sayings that encourage and instill the spirit of love in these cynical times. Are you in love? Do you pine for your sweetheart in private? You dont have to retract into a shell every time the love of your life talks to you. Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of anothers heart, or its flame burns low. Henry Ward Beecher People think love is an emotion. Love is good sense. Ken Kesey If you cannot inspire a woman with love of you, fill her above the brim with love of herself; all that runs over will be yours. Charles Caleb Colton The whole world loves a lover is an interesting theory, but a very bad legal defense. Keith Sullivan Let those love now who never loved before; Let those who always loved, now love the more. Thomas Parnell One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love. Sophocles Love is not something you feel. Its something you do. David Wilkerson She is the heart that strikes a whole octave. After her all songs are possible. Rainer Maria Rilke Love is always bestowed as a gift- freely, willingly, and without expectation...We dont love to be loved; we love to love. Leo Buscaglia The only love worthy of a name is unconditional. John Powell I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. Martin Luther King, Jr. Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. Martin Luther King, Jr. If you would be loved, love and be lovable. Benjamin Franklin Lord, grant that I might not so much seek to be loved as to love. St. Francis of Assisi We look forward to the time when the power to love of will replace the love of power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace. William Gladstone May no gift be too small to give,nor too simple to receive,which is wrapped in thoughtfulnessand tied with love. L.O. Baird There is no instinct like that of the heart. Lord Byron All you need is love. John Lennon Love conquers all. Virgil Amor vincit omnia. (Love conquers all) Geoffrey Chaucer There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. George Sand True love stories never have endings. Richard Bach Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply. Zane Grey Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. Maya Angelou There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. Friedrich Nietzsche
Saturday, February 15, 2020
President John Fitzgerald Kennedys Assassination Term Paper
President John Fitzgerald Kennedys Assassination - Term Paper Example The president was travelling with his wife Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally and Connally’s wife, Nelle, in a presidential motorcade (Thompson, 1967). Discussion Kennedy’s assassination came as a shock to the U.S and many investigations were started to establish how the incident took place that fatally caused the wounds to the president and injured two people, Governor Connally and James Taque. Shaw & Harris state that â€Å"Lee Harvey Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby before he could stand trial†(1992, p.3). This added controversy to the investigations of the president’s assassination. This is due to the fact that had Oswald been acting alone, his testimony would not have incriminated any third parties and therefore no sufficient reason for any person to want him dead unless it was a move to silence him. This was a major factor in all investigations that were carried out on the inquest to the president’s assassination. JFK's assassination was not a clear incident to be understood without thorough investigations. The intelligence Agencies including Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and committee of inquiry such as Warren Committee and United States House select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) were instituted to conduct investigations. The findings of the various Agencies and committees differed in one way or another leading to different theories and speculations regarding the assassination. The Warren Commission On November 29, 1963, President Lyndon Johnson instituted the Commission investigating the assassination of President Kennedy. The commission was chaired by the Chief Justice, Earl Warren and would commonly be referred to as the Warren commission. The commission was instituted by the Executive Order EO 11130 (Twyman, 1997). President Johnson instructed the commission to evaluate and analyze the facts surrounding the assassination of the president and the subsequent murd er of the alleged assassin. The commission was then to compile and report its findings to the president. This was a ten months investigation by a commission of inquiry chaired by Warren. The commission relied on the FBI report of November 24, 1963. FBI was the first authority to investigate, in fact two days after JFK's assassination. The commission agreed with FBI's report of Edger Hoonar – the director of FBI, that 3 shots were fired but disagreed on which shot hit the President and which hit Governor Conally. On December 13th of the same year, the United States Congress passed the joint resolution for the Senate 137 which gave authority to the commission to subpoena all the witnesses directed to testify before the commission. Warren et al. (1964) states that â€Å"Any individual deemed to possess vital information useful to the investigation was thus required to appear before the commission.†The witnesses would testify upon being summoned by the commission. In addi tion, the resolution gave the commission the power to compel or mandate the testimony of the witnesses. Witnesses were granted immunity from being prosecuted as a result of the testimonies they would give to the commission. The Warren Commission presented its report to the president on September 24, 1964. Warren et al. notes that, â€Å"Each member of the commission concurred on the findings detailed in the report†(1964, p.32). This was soon followed by the publication of the 26 volumes of
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Computer Questions Short Answers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Computer Questions Short Answers - Assignment Example 09- How/why is a branch instruction really a data movement instruction ANS: A branch instruction is not a data movement instruction because branch instruction jump from one instruction to another but don't move data from one instruction to another. 10- How can the speed at which an electrical circuit performs its function be increased ANS: Acircuitis an unbroken loop of conductive material that allows electrons to flow through continuously without beginning or end.Generally as the feature size shrinks, almost everything improves-the cost per unit and the switching power consumption go down, and the speed goes up. 11- What are the advantages of gallium arsenide (as compared to silicon) for the implementation of microprocessors ANS: It has smaller molecular size and thus (in theory) smaller circuits can be fabricated from it. It has both electrical and optical properties. 12- Why does the reliability of magnetic storage media generally decrease as recording density increases ANS: Higher density means less surface area per bit. Less surface area per bit means less mass of coercible material. Less coercible mass means reduced ability to hold a charge high enough to be reliably read and to allow for magnetic leakage, decay, and other destructive factors. 13- What factors contribute to the loss of data stored on tapes ANS: If system crashes leading to incomplete sessions. Hardware problems causing incorrect or incomplete write operations Corrupted media or databases. Due to malicious external agents like viruses and hackers 14- What are the advantages of optical data storage devices as compared to magnetic data storage devices ANS: Optical storage devices are read by... ANS: Optical storage devices are read by a laser beam. Generally they have a more limited storage capacity when compared to magnetic devices. However, one advantage is that they are more hard wearing than magnetic devices. ANS: When you decrease the buffer size you increase the number of "outside loop" operations, and thus you increase the load on the CPU. When you computer gets too busy it may not complete the buffer loop in time to deliver its samples to the mixing bus, which, in turn, has to deliver to the driver/soundcard. The result will be unpleasant cackling noise. ANS: Code 39 (also called Code 3 of 9) is an easy-to-print barcode commonly used for various bar-coding labels such as name badges, inventory and industrial applications. The Universal Product Code was the first bar code to be widely adopted from as early as April 1973 by the US grocery industry for product marking. Code 2 of 5, sometimes called Code 2 from 5 and the interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes can represent the digits 0-9. In use since the late 1960's, it is a popular choice for airline tickets, photo developing envelopes and internal warehouse systems. ANS: Bar code scanners are manufactured to read the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Forest Soils on Acid Essay -- Ecology Nature Environmental Papers
Forest Soils on Acid Forest ecosystems are important both ecologically and economically. It is arguable that the most fundamental dynamic of the forest ecosystem is the forest soil. The acidity of forest soils can alter the chemistry, biota, and hydraulics of the soil, and thus, alter the soil formation characteristics and the soil composition. It follows that the acidification of forest soils demands a great deal of research and attention. Forest soils are commonly found to have pH readings of 4-6, even in areas of moderate to low acid deposition (Binkley et al, p. 4). In fact, an abundance of forest vegetation thrives on and stabilizes most forest soils at relatively low pH levels. It seems as though forest ecosystems generally thrive upon strongly acid soils. Though forest soils naturally are acidic, problems can occur when the acidity levels are raised artificially through processes such as acid rain. This paper will investigate the effects of higher than normal acidity and acid deposition in forest soils to gain a greater understanding of current and potential problems to forest soils and ecosystems. It is important to remember when discussing the implications of high acid in forest soils that there are several general factors that will alter acidic effects on soil chemistry, hydrology, biota, and weathering. These factors include soil type, soil sensitivity, and the quantity of precipitation. Texture, structure, grain size, and consistence are all crucial to defining the soil type or series and also to the amount of time soil is exposed to acid deposition. In a particular study on humus degradation based on simulated "acid rains" conducted by Greszta et al. (1991) revealed the extent to which soil type influenced ... ...556-563. Mulder, J., J.J. M. van Grinsven, and N. van Breemen. 1987. Impacts of acid atmospheric deposition on woodland soils in the Netherlands: III. aluminum chemistry. Soil Science Society of America Journal 51: pp. 1640-1646. Rampazzo, N., and W.E.H. Blum. 1992. Changes in chemistry and minerology of forest soils by acid rain. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 61: pp. 209-220. Sharpe, W.E., B.R. Swistock, and D.R. Dewalle. 1992. A greenhouse study of northern red oak seedling growth on two forest soils at different stages of acidification. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 66: pp. 121-133. Singer, M.J., and D.N. Munns. 1996. Soils: An Introduction. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New Jersey. Tamm, C.O., and L. Hallbacken. 1986. Changes in soil pH over a 50-year period under different forest canopies in SW Sweden. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 31: pp. 337 341.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Questions asked from the managers Essay
The following questions are those asked from the managers of the IT corporations. Each and everyone of them were also asked to give a brief company profile before the questions about blogging were asked. Company Profile 1. Name of Company: 2. Year Company Started: 3. Brief History of Company 4. Nature of Company’s work 5. Number of company employees: 6. Target market of the company: Questions on Corporate Blog 1. What does the company offer? a. Services – (what services and for whom? ) b. Products – (what products and for whom? ) 2. Since when did your company start engaging in corporate blog? 3. How much does your company spend for the operation of your corporate blog? 4. What was the effect of corporate blog to your corporation 5. Is blogging effective in making your customers understand more about your company? 6. Does blogging make understanding your services easier? 7. Communication with Customers a. Did you receive more client feedback when you engaged in corporate blog? b. Are your customers more informed about your products when you engaged in corporate blog? 8. Communication with Employees a. How many of your employees engage in blogging? b. What are your rules regarding employees blogging? 9. Did you integrate your missions, visions, and goals into corporate blogging? 10. Did you consider the risks involved when your corporation or company started adopting corporate blog? If yes, why does your company still continue engaging in corporate blog? 11. Are the solutions which your company pursued, effective in reducing the risks of corporate blog? If not, what other solutions do you think should be done? 12. What have been the advantages of corporate blog for your company? 13. What have been the perceived disadvantages of corporate blog for your company? 14. What were the problems faced in engaging corporate blog? 15. Is corporate blogging better than written media into bringing your services closer to the customers? 4. 3 Analyzing obtained data The data obtained from the interviews have been tabulated and themes and trends from such qualitative data would then be identified, and analyses would then be formulated. The data obtained from the questionnaires will be analyzed using the Likert scale. The primary tool used to examine Likert Scale is by the use of graphical analysis. Since the frequency distribution can visually be seen in the graph, it is easier to explain the results. The trend represents certain patterns that match with the frequency distribution. The Likert scale is a unidimensional scaling method. Unidimensional concepts are generally easier to understand. Its either something has more of it or less (Trochim 2006, http://www. socialresearchmethods. net/kb/scalgen. php ). Since the aim of the research is to identify whether the receptiveness of corporate blog to employees, executives and the corporation as a whole is better or worse, then a unidimensional scaling would be a good measurement for the research. 4. 4 Other Resources Secondary resources are also critically used in this project, which mainly include news, journal articles and books. Internet and Email will be as the communication and research tools for this project. The collected data will be coded and analyzed under the theoretical framework and prior reviewed literature. According to Coffey and Atkinson (1996), coding is the process of condensing the bulk of data sets into analyzable units. Coding and analyzing data based theoretical concepts has the important role of enabling rigours review on our data. Therefore, the collected data will be coded and analysed under the theoretical framework and prior reviewed literature. 5 Discussion 5. 1 Research expectation and risk The author will discuss the outputs from the case study, interviews and questionnaires. Each case study will be discussed here in full detail. Blog contents from the corporate blogs of each company will be evaluated and discussed. The research study is able to seek: why did the company considered blogging? What are the advantages and disadvantages from setting up a corporate blog? The expectation data obtained from the questionnaires will also be presented and discussed. Results obtained through the Likert scale will be interpreted. Results are also related to previous researches and theoretical issues discussed in the introduction and literature review. The author will give a brief introduction to the uses of blogs, corporate blogs, its advantages and limitations, and the issues surrounding corporate blogs, which includes privacy or information leakage of the corporation because of the freedom, entailed in corporate blogging. To which we can now generate our prediction of corporate blogging with the analysis of its strategic management implementation (rules and regulations), the perception of employees and employers, and our own analysis as to how corporate blogging can elevate the communication process among a business organization. The author expects challenging the blogging system as an entity of information and as a communication medium to delimit its disadvantages and provide better means of communication for the business sector. Assuming that results are as predicted, we can now generalize the discussion. Note, however, that different companies have different cultures and strategies in corporate blogging; thus different results would be yield, and themes would have to be established in order for data to be qualitatively analyzed. Having the prediction of the future of corporate blogging may be a challenging step but I think it is feasible in this case since we can generate information regarding how the corporate blogging system can improve and be able to overcome the challenges of advanced technology. 5. 2 The limitations of the study On major limitation of the study is that only IT companies are to be considered in data gathering. It is possible that other companies may have a different culture and perception on corporate blogging. Future research may focus on determining the perceptions of companies other than IT and compare its results with the results obtained from this study. Also, the study only analyzed the perceptions of bloggers on corporate blogging. Studies on the perception of nonbloggers (or those who have blogs but do not post regularly) may be carried out to give a more generalized rate of acceptance of blogging as a new kind of innovation. There is also a restraint in Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory. It may be the most widely used theory in both individual and organizational IT adoption researches but none of the five predictors (relative advantage, compatibility with existing values and practices, simplicity and ease of use, trialability and observable results) made Jeyaraj et al. ’s (2006) list of best predictors for the aggregate IT adoption construct. Another limitation of this research is that blogging can result in legal problems because of the lack of blogging management. The integrity rules for protection and management are expected to established immediately.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Finding Water on Mars
Ever since we began the exploration of Mars with spacecraft (back in the 1960s), scientists have been on the lookout for evidence of water on the Red Planet. Each mission gathers more evidence for the existence of water in the past and present, and each time definitive proof is found, scientists share that information with the public. Now, with the popularity of Mars missions on the rise and the amazing story of survival that moviegoers have seen in The Martian, with Matt Damon, the search for water on Mars takes on additional meaning. On Earth, definitive proof of water is easy to find  in as rain and snow, in lakes, ponds, rivers, and the oceans. Since we havent visited Mars in person yet, scientists work with observations made by orbiting spacecraft and lander/rovers on the surface. Future explorers WILL be able to find that water and study it and use it, so its important to know NOW about how much there is and where it exists on the Red Planet. Streaks on Mars Over the past few years, scientists noticed curious-looking dark streaks that appear on the surface on steep slopes. They seem to come and go with the change of seasons, as temperatures change. They darken and appear to flow down the slopes during periods when the temperatures are warmer, and then fade out as things cool down. These streaks appear in several locations on Mars and have been called recurring slope linae (or RSLs for short). Scientists strongly suspect theyre related to liquid water that deposits hydrated salts (salts that have been in contact with water) on those slopes. Salts Point the Way Observers took a look at the RSLs using an instrument onboard NASAs Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter called the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM). It looked at sunlight after it had been reflected from the surface, and analyzed it to figure out what chemical elements and minerals were there. The observations showed the chemical signature of hydrated salts in several locations, but only when the dark features were wider than usual.  A second look at the same places, but when the swaths were not very wide didnt turn up any hydrated salt. What this means is that if theres water there, its wetting the salt and causing it to show up in the observations.What are these salts? Observers determined that they are hydrated minerals called perchlorates, which are known to exist on Mars. Both the Mars Phoenix Lander and the Curiosity rover have found them in the soil samples theyve studied. The discovery of these perchlorates is the first time these salts have been spotte d from orbit over several years. Their existence is a huge clue in the search for water. Why Worry about Water on Mars? If it seems that Mars scientists have announced water discoveries before, remember this: the discovery of water on Mars has not been one single discovery. It is the result of many observations over the past 50 years, each one giving more solid evidence that water exists. More studies will pinpoint more water, and eventually give planetary scientists a much better handle on how much water the Red Planet has and its sources underground. Ultimately, people will travel to Mars, perhaps sometime in the next 20 years. When they do, those first Mars explorers will need all the information they can get about conditions on the Red Planet. Water, of course, is important. Its essential to life, and it can be used as a raw ingredient for many things (including fuel). Mars explorers and inhabitants will need to rely on the resources around them, just as explorers on Earth had to do as they explored our planet. Just as important, however, is to understand Mars in its own right. Its similar to Earth in many ways, and formed in roughly the same region of the solar system some 4.6 billion years ago. Even if we never send people to the Red Planet, knowing its history and composition help fill in our knowledge of the solar systems many worlds. In particular, knowing its water history helps fill in the gaps of our understanding about what this planet may have been in the past: warm, wet, and much more habitable for life than it is now.
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